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2025 Stewardship campaign runs Oct. 20th through Nov. 3rd

Dear Friend of FCPC,


 We want to thank you for your support of the ministries of Fox Chapel Presbyterian church this year! Your participation has helped the ministries of the church continue to fulfill our purpose to joyfully participate in Christ’s mission of love and peace, transformation and hope. For example:


  • Over 75 kids and 40 volunteers made VBS a huge success.

  • The hard work of many volunteers and staff helped the Harvest Fair to raise over $115,000—a record amount—all to be given to local agencies. That is in addition to the $123,500 the church, through the Mission Committee, is giving this year to support our long-term mission partners.

  • An adult mission team traveled to Guatemala, where they supported the ministry of our mission partner there, Paths of Light Ministry.

  • Over 100 volunteers gathered in the fellowship hall for Rise Against Hunger, packaging 25,000 meals that will be distributed to people experiencing food insecurity around the world.

  • We launched a weekly women’s Bible Study with 40 participants, and another 40 people attended men’s and women’s spiritual formation retreats.

  • Our preschool saw an enrollment of 155 preschoolers! What a gift to nurture the faith and lives of these young ones!

  • We added a second Food Truck Friday this summer, allowing us to connect with hundreds of community members and enjoy two evenings of music and fellowship at the church.

  • We increased the hours of Nikki Rosswog, our Minister of Congregational Care, so that she could support new ministries like Caregiver Coffee Hour, the new Grief Share group, and the formation of a visitation team to extend our congregational care even further.

  • Most weeks more than 600 people come through the doors of our church to learn and grow, worship God, find community and belonging, give and receive support in addiction recovery, pray, study Scripture, prepare meals for people in need, fill backpacks with food for children—and so much more!


Because of you, lives are being impacted every day through the ministries of this church—thank you!



This year, during this season of stewardship, we will be looking at the “signs” Jesus performed in John’s Gospel—signs that can point us to what Jesus is doing—and wants us to do—to be faithful servants in a hurting world and to how we can flourish in ministry together in 2025.


Your participation in stewardship this year is essential for the health of our ministries in the years to come. We believe that the signs of Jesus point us to growth is many areas of our ministry—evangelism, music and worship, youth engagement, adult spiritual formation, congregational care, and more—and that growth is possible when God grows our financial generosity. So we are asking you to commit to three things:


· Attend worship on October 20, October 27, and November 3, for meaningful, inspiring worship, as we look together at the signs Jesus performed and asked what they are pointing us toward.

· Pray about how God is inviting you to financially support God’s mission through this church in 2025. Take time each day to prayer, “Lord, what do you want to do through me to help Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church flourish in the mission you have given us in the year to come?” Listen to how God is leading you—you might be surprised what you hear!

· Pledge an amount that you believe is a faithful response to how God is leading you. Consider increasing your gift by 5% or 10% from your giving in 2024.


Please bring the enclosed estimate of giving card to worship on Sunday, November 3. If you are unable to attend worship that day, please mail the card to the church office by Monday, November 4.


It’s a simple path to flourishing ministry in 2025. When we listen to God—and follow God’s signs—and discover in ourselves our capacity for extraordinary generosity, we will be surprised by what God is able to do in and through us.




  Rev. Ginger A. Thomas and Rev. L. Roger Owens

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"Lord, what do you want to do through me to help Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church flourish in the mission you have given us in the year to come?

There Are Many Ways to Give

Other Gifts

FCPC accepts stock donations. Instructions are available by contacting the FCPC Office Manager, Sarah Hays. All stock donations should be accompanied by a letter/email notification to or to the Finance Administration Office. The notification should include name of stock, number of shares and how the donation is to be applied to your account.


Help offset FCPC's Presbytery membership assessment. The 2025 assessment is approximately $35,000, which represents $38.11 per member. Your contribution can help FCPC offset this obligation.

Consider a Legacy Gift

Consider making a legacy gift to the church that tells the story of your hope in Christ. You can leave a gift to the church in the following ways.:


A bequest in your will

Retirement plan beneficiary

Life insurance beneficiary

Proceeds from the sale of real estate or property

Other ways that suit your situation


Consult with an attorney or professional advisor before making changes to your estate plans.

Financial Contributions & Pledges

Financial contributions or pledges can be made digitally by heading over to our Ways to Give page.


 Financial contributions can be made by check or cash, in the offering plate, church office, or by mail. Offering envelopes can be used but are not necessary.

Stewardship Brochure
Stewardship Brochure (2)
Stewardship Brochure (1)
Stewardship Brochure (3)

Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church
384 Fox Chapel Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
412.963.8243 (office)
412.967.9134 (fax)

Contact information is available

on the Staff Page.




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