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FCPC is pleased to offer the hospitality of our space.



Marriage is one of God’s greatest blessings. Our sincere desire is that weddings performed at Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church will be a wonderful experience for each couple!


If you would like to explore the possibility of having your wedding at the church or performed by one of the pastors off-site, contact Pastor Ginger Thomas.


Our pastors are available to officiate at weddings of church members; other clergy may be approved by Session. The pastor plans the wedding service with the couple and expects the couple to engage in premarital counseling with a professional counselor.


We cannot accept reservations for weddings more than 15 months in advance. We are unable to host weddings during busy seasons such as Holy Week and Christmas.  We are not able to have wedding receptions on-site. See the Special Services page for more details. 



From Boy Scout Troop meetings to public lectures, FCPC wishes to make our space available for the community at large. 


Available Rooms:

  • CHAPEL | Seats up to 80. HDMI-connect to 72" tv. Audio/mics. Dry erase board/easel. Piano.

  • SANCTUARY | Seats up to 650. Screen/projector. Audio/mics. Piano. Very limited availability. *Contact David Billings for music events.

  • ATRIUM | Capacity varies on type of event.

  • LOUNGE | Seats up to 50. Tables & chairs or classroom setup. Next to kitchen. HDMI-connect to television.

  • FELLOWSHIP HALL | Seats up to 250. Screen/projector/audio/video. 

  • KITCHEN | Commercial stovetop, ovens, dishwasher. 

  • LIBRARY | Seats up to 10 comfortably.

  • CLASSROOMS (limited) 

  • YOUTH LOUNGE (limited) 


Contact our office  to request a room reservation form and check availability. Church events get first priority.

Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church
384 Fox Chapel Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
412.963.8243 (office)
412.967.9134 (fax)

Contact information is available

on the Staff Page.




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